Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hello blog!!! It has been a VERY long time since i've blogged... I have been very.. AS in VERY busy nowdays ith homework and all the PPA n blah blah.. ZZZ.. today 6/5/2010 I came back home then there was a funeral below my hse @ the void deck.. Daniel's grandpa passed away.. sorries to him... Hais.. hope his grandpa is in a happy and great place like all my grandparents! :P hahas... It has been 6 days that we have been together!!! HAHAS! since like the... 29/4/2010! hahaas... Hmm how long will we last??? nobody noes!~

5:14 AM

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long time I've not blogged! hahas.. nowadays a lot of things happen! today, first time i went out with Dilys! haha.. did a lot of first times with her.. haha.. first time play @ arcade wif her, wif time being @ Macs wif her, first time taking neoprints wif her, first time looking @ the pet shop wif her, first time gg TM, T1, and CS wif her! AND MUCH MORE! hahas.. enjoyed myself lots today.. actually today supposed to go out wif the class. then lik.. rui di said tt lots of ppl cnt go.. but i told dad alrdy.. so.. why waste it? hahas.. (L), Adeline!

~in despo state fr a stead~ *blahZ*

9:01 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

LJ was loads of fun... We went to lots of places like WELLS, ACM, Newater, ToaPayoh (for JOE),

8:08 AM

Hello bloggie and readers.. which I dun think there r any... Cox i didnt tell anyone else bout this blog.. I have a new hair style!!! Hehe.. Me and my sister went to a hair dresser's hse and had it done.. I was afraid tt it might be bookable.. hehe.. But dunno lehs... Hehe.. I think its bangs.. but lik grass liddat... So. Yeah.. my friend said its nice.. Except for those mean ones who say i look weird... -.- Haha.. yesterday's date was 16th March... OOOOOO! I'm gg to post bout learning journey for the next post.. :)

8:01 AM

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teehehe... now in class.. alone.. rotting like some rubbish.. Cox later got learning journey then school bus leaves @ 6.30am so might as well leave early then like.. you noe.. save money.. Then bro saw me then tell me that he'll fetch me to school then pass by Mcdonald's then go eat breakfast first.. WHOA! so yummy and delicious! I ate Fillet-O-Fish... I think it is spelt liddat iof I'm not wrong... HEHE! Haha.. SAboon tagged on the C-box... Hais.. Sian.. gg to go to other websites.. Or SLEEP now..~ Nites!

4:29 PM

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tell u rite... now adays rly very VERY busy.. class is in a HORRIBLE state.. Angela suck.. Always dumping everything to me.. "Adeline this one i dunno how to do.. Can u help me?" Liddat then throw it to me.. Wth.. Then trying very hard to get the class's attention.. But failed.. So I started thinkning bout the class values.. Our "sisters" is it really us? Or we jux claim to be so.. Lik Nicole.. She is always toking to Lysha n Louis.. No matter how many times the teachers or i tell her.. She jux stop then continue after a while... Erm... Some other stuff i'll post next time.. Then Angela is such a horid.. As the classchair she shld be setting a gd example.. Instead rite.. She is always writing her 'Angel' letters.. Then toking to Claris during lessons.. Wth... >.< Damn her lahs.. Then always act till sooo.. innocent.. Then always asking me to do this and tt.. Then Nicole suspects tt i took her stupid surveys tt we think tt she misplaced.. Darn it barnicles! @:

3:28 AM

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello~ I posting again rite after another post!!! This one is bout 23rd Jan.. My very special day when I turn 13!!! It was a GREAT day thanks to my class!!! Its soo... surprisimg but I always wanted a surprise party.. Tooo nad my popo passed away.. The next one is gg to be for my ppopo (post).. BTW.. That very special morning, I went to school (and they havent finsh making the card) then I was otw to the class, then phionna came out then she said she wanted to go toilet then I okok wait wait I go put my bag first.. Then she like... CANNOT I VERY URGENT!!! then denise came out.. Then she said: "come lah I help you put ur bag" wow thx! lol... Then she went toilet.. Then came out.. Dom came into the toilet.. Then Phionna said she wanna go toilet again.. How fake even thought she is one of the drama queens.. =.= haha then s. vanna came in then it was damn freaking cox when I ebtered the room rite.. IT WAS PITCH DARKNESS! and SUPER scary... then they were lik DRAGGING me.. Then the dumbest thing tt vanna said was.. Pretend to be surprised... WTF?! duh~ I appreciate.. Not lik her... wth.. but I gt lots of presents n i big card.. But it was on the 22nd.. Cos 23rd s sat... Then after tt didnt go trainning... Went back gsps.. Collect eagle award.. BTW tomorrow is my Chinese BDAY!! mum baked a cake.. But chao da.. LOL... this year's New Year is also Valentines.. Soo Cool~~~ I guy.. Only some ppl noe~~ lol.. popo's post I'll try tomorrow or maybe later.. but soon~

7:04 AM