Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beginning of part 3

Then after a while it was 8.30pm then Mr Fazrin said "okay everyone let pack up!" WTH! BBQ party as suppose to be lik... Late rite? Then b4 we were 'dismissed' everyone needed to lik "clean up" the place a bit.. And everyone was suppose to lik take a wing, sweet potato or corn. Lucky the gurls have fast hands.. Then we all took the wings which are smaller n tastier.. :) Haha.. Then after tt we all ent to the park at the Pasir Ris park.. Then we play n play.. Till lik 10pm. Then we all needa walk ALL THE WAY BACK TO PIT 28 AND THEN WALK ALL THE WAY TILL DUNNO WHERE.. wth... damn far.. It was lik... few hundred metres lorr.. Damn it far! Then after tt we made a turn.. OMG! Damn scary.. Pitch darkness, no light... Fine, mabe have lah.. Erm.. Left side gt a little bit of lighting.. Right side NO LIGHT AT ALL.. Forest or jungle I think.. Lol.. Then we walk n walk.. Then phew! Finally gt light.. WTH..Maryann's can crumpled till.... LOL.. then Rui Rui's dad fetch us to the MRT @ pasir ris.. Then Mary's Mum fetch her home.. I took MRT to tampines.. Then my dad fetch me.. Haha..

End of part 3

8:09 AM

Beginning of part 2

Wth.. Jux now I type lots n lots.. Twice then while I was editing the HTML twice.. EVERYTHING GONE TWICE! OMG! restart again! okok.. restart!
Finally saw 6.7 peeps! Then QX told me tt I was gg to be incharge of cooking the food all tt... then QX help me take food. SOOOO GAN DONG U NOE! >.<>.< ... Then while I was cooking... I toked to QX... Sing a bit.. Then she said she wanted to go to the toilet. Then I followed her to the toilet then I brought my phone along wif me to ting ge.. Then QX sae "no need bring phone lah.. No one will take de.." Then I told her "I wanna ting ge" Then I noticed tt if I were to listen to music in the toilet.. EVERYONE will noe tt I am in the toilet.. Then I switch off lorr.. zzz.. lol. Then after tt we went back to pit 28 n did wad we were doing... Lol..

End of part 2

7:26 AM

Beginning of part 1

Yesterday was the 28th Nov (sat). I went to Pasir Ris park there for the class BBQ. But b4 I went there if Erika, I went to her hse at blk 430 to wait for her..zzz.. BBQ party 5pm onwards start... she 5 sharp came down... Then she told me she quarrel with her mum.. Then I "orh".. Then I make tt vibration sound... Then she said "stop it lah!" if I'm not wrong she felt kinda... irratated.. HAHA.. Opps?! Then when we went to wait for bus 403.. But b4 we went there.. We took MRT there.. So when we reached.. I told Erika tt the buses were there.. Then she said.. Follow me.. Then I followed.. Walk into White Sands mall.. Then walk into Mcdonalds.. Then walk out.. Then to MY surprise.. I told Erika.. "Erika you brought me one big round n we landed @ the spot I told u where the buses were..." Then she was lik.. "sorry sorry I very long nvr come here le..." Haha.. laugh lik hell.. zz.. Then when we reach Pasir Ris park rite.. We had to find pit 28.. Then I said lets find the place.. Then Erika was lik "I noe this place lah.. Mavis n I always come de.." Then we walk n walk n walk.. walk for bout 20mins liddat then I saw the pit no. 46.. Then I was thinking... Shit liddat means 28 is still far away... Then we walk till we see a white 'building' Erika said after we walk pass tt 'building' will be pit no. 30.. Then ok lorr fine.. walk.. Luckily I not hungry... Then... zzzzzz.. We saw a pit.. It was 46.. Then Erika went to see the next one.. IT WAS PIT NO. 47! Meaning WE were walking the WRONG DIRECTION! For lik.. 30mins! Then Hor Onn called.. Blah blah then ran a while.. Then stupid skirt keep dropping (wth keep pulling lik wad stupid noob liddat..zzzz)... Then after walking the CORRECT direction... I saw few people getting married.. Haha.. Lots of ppl flying kites.. Lots of ppl jogging.. Lots of ppl cycling...

End of Part 1..

6:49 AM

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The guad nite was on e Friday... 20th November 2009.. Today is e 22th so.. 2 days past... Wilbert suspect me of smth.. Which I guess is I lik him... Wilbert read this.. :I DUN LIK U.. haha.. so dun need suspect lahs... zzz.. so funny..
nth to sae haha... Buaixx.. Wanna play bball.. ~5.22pm~

1:20 AM

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today after the Graduation nite... I cried a little when I gave miss teo a hug... Then I walked wif Louise Sab Hy n SM... Then they sae wanna go watch movie... Then after tt I call mum... But she sae cannot.. Sm also cannot... Becox of us... they all cannot go... HAis... Then after tt walked wif sm they all to bball court... saw him... then I wanted to play bball... Then I went up... BUT dad didn allow sae wad I let u go grad nite then u still wan wad... HAIS... OMG timothy msg me... a number.. shld be his... Then talking bout timothy... HE TOLD HIM I LIK HIM... WTH.. if I'm not wrong... Dunno if he jk a not lah... Zzz... OMG... Hais..

5:43 AM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hais... Rain again... I wan play bball... then MAYBE can see him... But ... Tian bu zuo mei... :'( I am sooo happy... Cox yesterday, I BOUGHT A NEW PHONE!!! Omnia 2!!! Its lik... Damn it X... It cost bout 218... After discount... First price was... 368... WTH... Hais. I go see if gt ppl playing bball... Jux finish dinner... Wanna play bball... Damn long nvr play le... HAIS!!!

4:27 AM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

... Did the facebook thingy..
My jap name is... Yumiko?!
OMG... cant get him out of my mind...
Hope to see him everyday... sms him... Facebook...
But... no number or anything...

10:19 PM

My First ~ 6/9/2009 Sunday @ 450
My Second ~ 20/9/2009 Sunday @ 450
My Third ~ 12/11/2009 Wednesday @ 450
My Fourth ~ 14/11/2009 Sunday @ 450
My Fifth ~ 20/11/2009 Friday @ 450
My Sixth ~
My Seventh ~
My Eighth ~
My Ninth ~

The more the better~

12:35 AM

Yummy yummy nooges!!! Wow... Jux finish eating bout 3/4 packet of noodle... Chao full... Last time can eat whole thing still finish the soup sia... Now... Hais.. Lol... I think today gg 450 pay... Maybe can see "him"...

12:15 AM

Monday, November 16, 2009

I AM HOME!!! but... no one is home to welcome me... :'( Back to lonely world again?! HiaZzz.. #rd last day as Mr Fazrin said... LOL! 3rd last day! I dun wanna move to eunos u noe... Hais... But dun wanna make dad angry... All my friends here... then if we move back to eunos can I still come down to see my friends? Play bball lik how I'm playing it now??? I jux wanna stay @ where I am... STOP moving... LOL.. Examples... Look @ how many kindergarden I've been to??? Erm... more than 3? Tts so much... But how many friend did I make??? LITTLE!!! I DON WANNA MOVE~~~ HELP!!! TELL DAD I DON WANNA MOVE! NO!

And... Think todae can play bball!!! YEAH! ~1.28pm~ 17 november~ Tuesday... 2nd dae~

9:22 PM

I WANNA PLAY BBALL!!! Today, in school... Everyone was lik... Tigers being let out of the cage = wild!!! Haha... I mean.. Deh??? All so free now... no bazaar no homework... No studying... Jux PLAY PLAY n HAVE FUN!!! today My classmate ask lots of peeps to go I think eat pizza hut.. Then @ first call "her" then suddenly sae dun wan... Then "she" unhappy... My best friend always tell me dun let this kinda ppl affect ur mood ok??? Haha... gg to tell her tt! ;) Muacks gg to see if the floor is still wet... Hope "he" is there~

12:10 AM

I'm so tired now... Hais... Now in the room... Blogging... This is the 3rd blog I have u noe... Cox... Hehe.. Keep forgetting the password... So redo EVERYTHING lorrs... Hais.. So stressed out of somethings... Hungry... Now 3.58pm le... Still haven eat yet... Kinda hungry... Hope bball court the floor faster dry... Then can play bball... Hope gt lots n lots of peeps downstairs... Hais~ Hope to see "him"~

12:03 AM