Friday, December 18, 2009

Yesterday, after I ent for a match @ kallang stadium wif some other friends n my dad to watch Singapore Slingers vs the thailand tigers.. Dad receive phone call saying tt popo was in the hospital.. Wad happen was tt she lao sai then vomitted.. Then was on the way to the hospital... Then b4 we reached the hospital, we went KFC eat first then called mum to see if we needed to get them any food. Then when we reach dere I found out tt I asked the wrong person cox mum as in the A&E unit then they were outside the A&E.. So she didn really noe... Then the doctor said tt she was dehidrated.. Then for the moment she was ok.. Then we(excluding my sis n mum) went home.. Rest of us stayed back n look after popo.. Then in the afternoon the next day we went back to see popo.. She looked so sick.. pale n weak.. She was trying so hard to breathe.. Every breathe she took as all so hard.. She needed so much strength jux to breathe.. Seeing tt I cried.. Luckily no one was there.. cox due to the H1N1, the hospital only allowed 4 person per patient.. Then I was the oni one there.. Other then the other patients they won looking.. Then I remember all the happy memories together.. Like during the parties.. Plus x'mas all tt.. And she proised tt she'll go out and walk wif me.. But she broke my promise.. And when she was lying on the bed, I told her tt I promise to give all the good food if she would jux recover.. But sadly, she didn't.. Then I jux stayed wif her.. Everyone noe tt she might not pull through.. But we were all jux too afraid to say.. She was so weak... /her face was so pale.. Then when nite fall.. We took turns and went eating.. Then e went to Qi Ji @ Changi General Hospital.. Then we ate.. I ate Nasi Lamak.. Not nice at all.. or maybe I had no appetite.. Then someone's phone rang.. Then... Everyone rashed up.. Then I followed.. In the end.. When I reached they were helping popo do CPR.. All of us started crying.. Then doctor came out.. Bad news.. "she passed away... I'm sorry.." That was it.. MY last grandparent.. GONE! Nvr able to see her alive again.. Then after seeing her.. All of us started crying.. Then the nurse brought her into another room.. Then there e started toking bout where the funeral will be.. Then few of my friends msged me.. Say lik.. Nvm lahs.. You shld be happy for them cox their gg to a better place.. the were all saying they same thing lorrs.. Hais.. Feel so sad now... Cant stop thinkning.. Poor popo.. @ least she died peacefully.. As the doctor said she doesnt feel any pain.... So.. Maybe we shld feel happy for her.. Then I felt lik playing bball.. It was a way of distress... Lik everytime I go don play bball is not training is jux leisure... But my dad keep "forcing" me not to play but train.. I WANNA PLAY BBALL! But these few days have to shuo ye.. Then 23rd having funeral.. tok so much till gg cry le.. Not writing anymore.. bb

7:49 AM

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wa lao bloody hell man.. today 5.30pm went down play bball then play play play very happy.. Then bro came down.. Followed by stupid dad.. Damn asshole leh he. Come down then start scolding ppl. Plus today so many ppl at 450.. Then scold stupid stuff ask me now wad time.. 7.30pm lorr.. Then hesay THEN U STILL HAVENT GO UP! WTFH CB. Walao.. Is he ownself sae I can slowly adapt de lor. Then sae can 9pm come up de.. Then 7+ come down scold me infront of everyone. SIAO ARH. F him lorr. ANGRY!

5:00 AM

Friday, December 4, 2009

now.. watching channel u show.. Erm.. Jux now went to piano.. B4 tt I made some home made jelly.. but too bad tt its not home paste.. Haha.. Hais.. Very sian n nth to tok bout.. buaiXxx

6:31 AM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

omg.. So tiring today.. I was reading this book called the witches.. It was like the real thing bout witches not those lik... Fairytale kind.. I wish I am stuck in fairytale the ones tt oni end with happily ever after.. Not anything else.. But on the other side.. If lets say I was in a storybook.. Cinderalla.. (not sure how to spell..) maybe... I wont meet the friends tt I have now.. No matter as annoying as.. HQ.. Or as great as QX n the bball gurls.. Their always the best.. But I'm not sure if it'll still be the same when I am i the sec school... Erm.. Hmm.. Nowadays.. I have smth troubling me.. But I'm always not sure.. I lurve this blog man.. I always write wad I feel.. I also lik it coz very little ppl comes to this blog n I can write wadever I wan here.. Haha.. Its been one week since I had not msged him.. I wonder how he is dd now.. But when ever I msg him nowadays.. He doesn't seem to reply.. Is he ignoring me.. Oh no! >.<>okokokokokokokokokok.. LAX! chill.. wadever.. Haha.. maybe smth went wrong with his phone? lol.. comforting myself.. lol.. soo lame.. Cant believe it.. He is the first person giving me all this.. Hope to see him soon.. B4 I ban jia... omg.. I don lik changes man.. I HATE CHANGES.. meaning I have to sae gd byes to all my pri. school friends.. Hais.. And I still have to sae gd bye to everyone @ 450... I don lik it.. I'll miss everyone.. Now the police show start le.. Haha..

10.05pm, 2nd dec
I miss...

5:54 AM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WOO!!!! Omg! Today gt training at GSPS.. Then we play n play.. Shit.. I keep missing balls.. OPPS?! :p hee~ but nvm.. Then during training SM n I were very thirsty then my gan di Ted drank my 100plus n threw the bottle.. WTH. -.- Then we go opposite buy jolly shandy drink.. Eww.. So bitter.. :p The peach one nicer.. But out of stock.. So we bought the lychee one.. Then gt 3 cans.. Each bought 3 then went back school gave some to the juniors.. Then Ted's mum treat everyone eat 'doughnut' SM joke saying lik as QX come and eat.. But it wasnt really 'doughnuts' it was like.. circle shaped?! Dunno wad its call.. Maybe puff? Then when walking home tt time SM tell me she very happy Han Yi go back China.. Cox she say tt liddat she can beat her in Restaurant City.. lol rite?! Oh another thing.. U noe at SBC.. Got the referee hu look very familiar? SM say tt he is the guy hu plays bball @ 450 last time tt didn smile for 3 days.. (He oni went there for 3 days.. -.-) Haha.. so pro.. I think so.. Look lik.. But.. hu noes? Haha.. Then now I'm @ home.. Havent bathe yet gg to after this.. And if the rain stops soon.. I think there is hope tt I can play bball today.. But jux remembered tt dad said tt we (cousins from Philippines r in s'pore) oh wait.. Dad juz called to say tt they went out wif their friends.. So.. meaning tt I'll jux... stay at home.. wait for rain to stop... cook some mushroom shop... n eat some... KIMCHI! YEAH! WOOTS!

12.59pm Wed, 2nd Dec
All the lurves..

8:40 PM