Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tell u rite... now adays rly very VERY busy.. class is in a HORRIBLE state.. Angela suck.. Always dumping everything to me.. "Adeline this one i dunno how to do.. Can u help me?" Liddat then throw it to me.. Wth.. Then trying very hard to get the class's attention.. But failed.. So I started thinkning bout the class values.. Our "sisters" is it really us? Or we jux claim to be so.. Lik Nicole.. She is always toking to Lysha n Louis.. No matter how many times the teachers or i tell her.. She jux stop then continue after a while... Erm... Some other stuff i'll post next time.. Then Angela is such a horid.. As the classchair she shld be setting a gd example.. Instead rite.. She is always writing her 'Angel' letters.. Then toking to Claris during lessons.. Wth... >.< Damn her lahs.. Then always act till sooo.. innocent.. Then always asking me to do this and tt.. Then Nicole suspects tt i took her stupid surveys tt we think tt she misplaced.. Darn it barnicles! @:

3:28 AM